
Sustainable development policy

Sustainable development is defined as social and economic development in which activities aimed at economic growth and social activities are integrated, and the preservation of the biological balance and sustainability of basic natural processes in order to guarantee the possibility of meeting communities’ or citizens’ needs in both this and future generations. The project is consistent with Article 17 Sustainable Development of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions concerning the European Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999.

The basic provisions on environmental protection in the legal system of the European Community can be found in Chapter XIX of the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC) entitled “Environment”.

According to these provisions, the objectives to be pursued by the EC environmental policy include the following:

- preserving, protecting and improving the quality of the natural environment,
- protecting human health,
- using natural resources prudently and reasonably,
- supporting, at the international level, activities aimed at resolving environmental issues at the level of large regions or even the whole world.

Therefore, the sustainable development strategy of CORKSTORE24 LTD is based on the the following key aspects:

- marketing natural and ecological cork products manufactured in a sustainable manner with the utmost care of the environment,
- standing out in the market of insulation materials,
- reducing the company's environmental impact on an ongoing basis,
- encouraging employees to pursue professional development,
- supporting actively the development of local communities.

Creating and updating the company's development strategy, we have committed ourselves to continuing our efforts aimed at ensuring the safety of our employees and their families, and eliminating all barriers resulting from social or cultural stereotypes. The company has a transparent occupational health and safety system. We care about our employees’ developing their talents and skills. We impose no restrictions on access to employment. Our recruitment processes are conducted in an open system. The only employee selection criterion is the possession of required competences rather than gender, age, race, or worldview. We also do not use differences in salaries based on factors other than the job classification category. As a matter of principle, there are no barriers to the employment of people with disabilities in our company.
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